Navigation Repair Service for Audi MMI3G & 3GP

We offer repair service for all Audi MMI3G & MMI3GP Navi units for all Audi A4 A6 A7 Q7 Q5 A5 A8 and others

We can repair any Navi unit from Audi 2010-2016

The main issues for a fauly module are :

-Black screen
-Will not boot
-Will reboot often
-Maps will not load
-Red or green fail safe screen
-Will not let you play by music or any media
-Maps screen will show “Please wait”
-“Media loading” message stuck…

1) Your unit will be repaired. If HDD is bad it will be replaced as well.
2) Latest software uploaded
3) 2023 maps will be installed
4) Fully tested for 3-4 hours
5) Unit will be ready for plus and play installation